Become a Benefactor
Supporters of Positive Psychology and the PEP Lab now have the opportunity to donate to UNC Chapel Hill’s Positive Psychology Science Fund.
In becoming a benefactor, you can be assured that 100% of your donation seeds leading-edge basic and translational science to meet the increasing demand for evidence-based applications of positive psychology. Funds are especially needed to facilitate the research and training of next-generation scientists working in the PEP Lab.
To donate to the fund, click here to make a secure gift online. Under gift information, the top fund should read “Positive Psychology Science Fund” to direct your donation to support positive psychology.
Or, simply write a check payable to “The Arts and Sciences Foundation” with the following designation in the Memo line: “Designation #0133, PPSF/PEP Lab”
Then mail your check to:
The Arts and Sciences Foundation
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
134 E. Franklin Street
Campus Box # 6115
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-6115
No gift is too small to make a difference! Thank you for your support.